Thursday, May 06, 2004


I watched quite a few movies in the last few months, and I won't attempt to remember all of them. Since 30 March, I watched the following at the cinema:
  • Oh Shucks, I'm Gatvol: I expected a brain-dead movie, and I got what I expected. My friends were disappointed by the lack of a plot, claiming that they enjoyed movies like Panic Mechanic because of their plots(!). Having low expectations, I didn't find it too bad, though I think that Leon Schuster may need to take a break and find new ideas.

  • Runaway Jury: Interesting initially, but it's also way too long (127 minutes). It stars the beautiful Rachel Weisz, who I saw in the excellent Enemy at the Gates.

  • Cheaper by the Dozen Fairly entertaining formula-movie with Piper Parabo providing some eye-candy.

  • School of Rock. I watched this during a very stressful day, so my opinion may be clouded, but it reminded me too much of the Sister Act movies. I didn't really enjoy it.

  • Secret Window. A riveting above-average movie. It kept me guessing throughout. I like unhappy endings and feeling like I've been kicked in the gut after watching a movie. I thought the ending was the best I've seen since the Godfather: Part 3.

Interestingly, I watched all the above movies at Nu Metro theatres. Coincidentally, Edgars Club members can watch movies at R14 per ticket at Nu Metro theatres. One of my friends even opened an Edgars account in order to get the cheaper tickets.